At FMI Mining, our journey is defined by strategic foresight, innovative solutions, and unwavering dedication to excellence. Our portfolio of projects reflects our ability to seize opportunities and drive growth in the mining industry.


Alberta, Canada - Under Development

With our ownership of 7 BCF of in ground reserves, 2,000 mcf/d of existing production and a 4,500 mcf/d natural gas plant, we have the ability to control our own energy source, managing our costs and operations.

Our Alberta asset includes 43 km of owned pipelines connected to the Trans Canada Pipeline, and a redundant power and revenue stream through grid connection, allowing it to be classified as a Tier data center. We have access to vast amounts of producing natural gas, sufficient to supply hundreds of megawatts for over 25 years.

With an initial footprint of 25 MW, our Alberta site will quickly grow to 80 MW. We will leverage our strategic position as a gas processor for access to discounted natural gas pricing, resulting in an all-in power cost of US$0.03/kWH.

FMI has secured its cornerstone, vertically integrated, Canadian energy asset in Alberta.


Brazil, South America - Under Construction

Our Brazilian operation exemplifies years of global experience in identifying and capitalizing on opportunities. This fully verticalized, off-grid operation, which is currently in the initial stages of construction, boasts 80 MW of capacity. It stands as a testament to our dedication and expertise in creating sustainable and innovative mining solutions, holding a special place in our hearts for its significance in our journey.

PROJECT Kazakistan  II

Enegix and FMI take a step into the future with a new operation in Kazakhstan, operating within the region with the highest natural gas production, the data center has modern caterpillar generators and an expected uptime of 97.5%. The first phase will be delivered in September 2024, with a capacity of 40MW/h. The second phase will add another 40MW/h, for a total operation of 80MW/h.

Under Construction

PROJECT Kazakistan  I

Project Kazakistan has been in operations since 2018. In 2020, in partnership with Enegix Global, FMI and Enegix acquired 15 HA of land and built one of the largest datacenters in the world and the largest in the CIS region. With 150.000 sq.m and 180MW/h of capacity, the datacenter runs with 160 highly trained personnel and provides services to the largest private miners in the sector.


ATL Datacenter

Georgia, USA - Complete/Sold

ATL DATACENTER, our first mining operation, was born from acquiring a bankrupt data center. Our CEO identified and executed the project, leading to FMI's establishment. This project's remarkable success later sparked interest from two publicly traded companies, creating a successful exit. It underscores our strategic acumen and execution capabilities.